Monday, May 16, 2011


1.The young urchin throw the yellow ball which broke the window.
2.The grey old manhood heard clearly a strange noise which came from the street.
3.The popular and unrly movie star created the extraordinary news again.
4.Stunning femine obtain impatiently the delcious food which was her favorite.
5.The old ambler descry good extreme accident that killed three people.
6. The wondering women glanced at her lucky lottery ticket which had magic numbers.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

New introduction.

             Parents always are looking after their children. Throught their life they constantly think about the children. Unfortunetly time passes by and they are get older. When they are become elderly, they tend to suffer from health problems, sometimes they lose their independence. Moreover they need more attention help and for that reason when children become guardian for their parents frequently some negative situations accur.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


            Time passes by, everyone and everything is changing. We count our birthdays and each year, we become older and older. With time our parents getting older as well .They are not as virgous as they used to be, and they need more attention than before. When children become a guardian for their parents for this reason frequently some negative situations occur.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Unforgettable Scene in the Restaurant

Last Saturday I was with my friend in this nice restaurant. Next to us was siting a couple. The man looked very upset. He told that he wasn't satisfied with this restaurant that she picked. She told that she had been coming to this restaurant for years. After few minutes when their dish was served, he screamed that he had a fly in his dish. He commanded that waiter to come to his table. When the waiter approach his table he screamed that was his fault,and he wanted to talk to his manager. Meanwhile the lady was very upset because her friend's behavior. She asked him to stop screaming on, but he didn't listen to her. Nevertheless, the waiter didn't seem to mind the situation at all. He admitted that he was thinking about changing that job for a very long time. With a big smile on his face, he told that he was leaving. He took off his apron and left the restaurant. The lady got very embarrassed because the man had ruined her dinner and caused such big commotion in the restaurant. She said that she was enjoy coming that restaurant for years, and never before she wasn't that embarrassed in a public place. She said that diner was a biggest mistake, and left the restaurant . The man was shocked, and asked if he might call her next day?

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Restaurant (indirect speech)

  Last Saturday I was with my friend in this nice restaurant. Next to us was sitting a couple. The man looked very upset. He told that he wasn't satisfied with this restaurant that she picked. She told that she had been coming to this restaurant for years. After few minutes when their dish was served, he screamed that he had a fly in his dish. He commanded that waiter to come to his table. When the waiter approached his table, he screamed that it was his fault and he wanted to talk to his manager. Meanwhile, the lady was very upset because of her friend's behavior. She asked him to stop screaming on, but he didn't listen to her. Nevertheless, the waiter didn't seem to mind the situation at all. He admitted that he was thinking about changing that job for a very long time. With a big smile on his face, he said that he was leaving. He took off his apron and left the restaurant. The lady got very embarrassed because the man had ruined her dinner and caused such a big commotion in the restaurant. She said that she was enjoy coming   that restaurant for years, and never before she wasn't that embarrassed in a public place. She said that the diner was a very biggest mistake, and left the restaurant. The man was shocked, and asked if he might call her next day.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Reading journal#2

Magdalena Gajovczyk
esr098                                                                                                                             March 19th 2011
1. Summary.
The article from "The New York Times","Forget the Treademill.Get a dog." wrriten by Tara Parker-Pope shows how dogs can effect peoples physical activity.Those people who have dogs are more active,also they are more likely to take part in other leisure-time physical activities like sports or gardening. According to the title of the artical people who owned a dog, they are much more better in fitnes those people more motivated to do anything. Each of us is diffrent thats way own a dog can not guarentee a physical activity. In fact a dog is a greate companion to walk
2. A part with I like.
I like that part when dr Reeves is telling about his dogs and some night exercise which wouldn't be done without a dogs. I admire dr Reeves becouse he shows how much he loves his dogs, and how responsible pearson he is. In a wery nice way he shows dogs are very determinated to have tehir daily routine done. This paragraf is very intense for me shows dogs aren't only a pleasure they are a very big responsibility too.
3. A part with I don't like.
I don't like that part when autor shows reaserch about those people who don't want walk their dogs. Those people shouldn't be a owner fo a dogs. Any reason isn't good eanugh to have a excuse to not take good care obout their pet. Those people shouldn't have dog.
4. Vocabulary.
a. significantly - People living near the reactor have significantly higher rates of cancer.
b. acquired - She had acquired to taste for beer.
c. boosted - The company cut orders to boosted profits.
d. leisure time - People have less leisure time in this days.
e. laggards - When I'm on vacation always I become a very laggard pearson.

5. Reflection.
Every body knows how important is a health and good condition. Especially in this days when so many people have problem with obesity. Doctors try to encourage people to do more exercises. For many people are going to gym isn't enugh ,they want spent more time outside they want to take a daily walk. According to the article "Forget the Trademill. Get a dog." number of people who want's walk have increased in last couple years. More and more people finde the best companion to walk a dog. Dogs always ready to go autside, they happy and they don't took. Personaly I like that idea a lot. I can't have dog right now , becouse of my life style . I don't want to be like those people who owne a dog, for that stupid reason becouse everybody have dogs, and they dont do good take care of them. They don't walk their dogs becouse they to laisy for that. Always they can finde a good excuse . I don't like that behavior, and for me everyone should be responsible for what he owns. Although when my life will be diffrent for sure I will get a dog. I agree with author sometimes canine companion are better than human. I like that article a lot becouse shows how people habits have been changed . Everyone who want's stay in a good health condition should do same exercise every day. That's way to walk a dog every day put people in a good start to achive that goal.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

         Hi everybody!
 My name is Mgdalena Gajovczyk . I'm from Poland.I came here eight ears ago.I'm living with my family on Far Rockaway, in spite of everywhere is very far from there I love my Rockaways. I love ocean and sunset ,if I could I would go every day to see the ocean and sunset but I have to study. I have two kids: my doughter Ella is a four years old and my son is three years old. My kids they are everything to me. I attendent to LaGuardia Community Collage becouse I know I have to learn english not only for myself but for my kids as well.I would like to study a noursing program, I want to be a RN nourse. I'm very determinated to achive my goal, for me ,for my family. Unfortunatelly I had finished a Beauty School, however I don't want to be a hairdreser. I want to do something what I love. That's way I'm here to study english ,so please leave me a comments. It is very nice to met  all of you guys, have a wonderful weekend Magda.