Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Unforgettable Scene in the Restaurant

Last Saturday I was with my friend in this nice restaurant. Next to us was siting a couple. The man looked very upset. He told that he wasn't satisfied with this restaurant that she picked. She told that she had been coming to this restaurant for years. After few minutes when their dish was served, he screamed that he had a fly in his dish. He commanded that waiter to come to his table. When the waiter approach his table he screamed that was his fault,and he wanted to talk to his manager. Meanwhile the lady was very upset because her friend's behavior. She asked him to stop screaming on, but he didn't listen to her. Nevertheless, the waiter didn't seem to mind the situation at all. He admitted that he was thinking about changing that job for a very long time. With a big smile on his face, he told that he was leaving. He took off his apron and left the restaurant. The lady got very embarrassed because the man had ruined her dinner and caused such big commotion in the restaurant. She said that she was enjoy coming that restaurant for years, and never before she wasn't that embarrassed in a public place. She said that diner was a biggest mistake, and left the restaurant . The man was shocked, and asked if he might call her next day?

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